
Signs it’s Time to Purchase New Living Room Furniture

Signs it’s Time to Purchase New Living Room Furniture

There comes a time in the life of every living room that change is inevitable.  Your relationship to the space grows stale.  You look around the room and wonder what happened. You used to love this room. But time passes.  Tastes change.  Furniture can get a little tired (or a lot). Let’s learn to read […]

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How a Sectional Sofa Can Make for a Happier Home

How a Sectional Sofa Can Make for a Happier Home

You’re at home, relaxing.  It’s time for some Netflix and chill, so you and your significant other eye the one sofa in the room.  You’re both gauging your chances of occupying it for the duration of your movie night. Someone is not going to be very happy! This is how a sectional sofa can make […]

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Tips to Cozy Up Your Master Bedroom

Tips to Cozy Up Your Master Bedroom

A master bedroom is your sanctuary from the world.  It’s a small paradise of serenity you need only leave to replenish yourself with a cold drink or a snack. It’s a given that bedrooms should be cozy, especially master bedrooms.  Master bedrooms, though, can be a bit of a trick to pull off, as they […]

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Tips For Setting Up Your Living Room Furniture

Tips For Setting Up Your Living Room Furniture

You’re deeply invested in your home, so you care about the impression visitors get, but you also need the comfort we all associate with being at home.  Your personal space should create an environment which divides your working life from your down time. We’ve collected these tips for setting up your living room furniture to […]

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How Luxury Furniture Changes Your Home’s Perception

How Luxury Furniture Changes Your Home’s Perception

Perception.  Such a personal thing.  Shifts in perception can be achieved with a word, a gesture, a color – small changes. But how you change the perception of your home takes careful thought and planning.  How luxury furniture changes your home’s perception is by creating a note of superior quality in the symphony of its […]

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Décor to Complement Your Luxury Furniture

Décor to Complement Your Luxury Furniture

Décor is the icing on the cake.  It’s the slice of orange in your Negroni.  It’s the bow on a gift.  Décor is what completes your vision of a graceful home which expresses who you are and what you value. But employing décor intelligently is a fine art.  Too much of it and you’ve created […]

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Ways to Complement Luxury Furniture

Ways to Complement Luxury Furniture

People investing in luxury furniture understand that their homes are their sanctuaries.  That said, everyone isn’t an interior decorator, or has the creative chops required to find the right ways to complement luxury furniture. At Michelangelo, we love luxury furniture design, but we also know that complementing is an art form.  Give your luxury furniture […]

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Building a Luxury Furniture Collection

Building a Luxury Furniture Collection

Understanding your tastes and how they meld with your lifestyle, as well as express it, is crucial to successfully build a luxury furniture collection. Whether your interest comes from gazing at photos in magazines, or from a childhood home which included luxury furniture, if you’re reading this, you know you want it.  You want a […]

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Which Luxury Furniture Should You Buy For Your Home?

Which Luxury Furniture Should You Buy For Your Home?

The home is a highly personal space and a reflection of your personal style.  Encompassing comfort, aesthetics and hospitality, your living space is much more than functional. If you’re contemplating adding luxury furniture to the design elements of your home, careful consideration needs to be given to your lifestyle.  A white chaise longue probably isn’t […]

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Is It Time to Invest In Luxury Furniture?

Is It Time to Invest In Luxury Furniture?

“Today, the public doesn’t see pieces of design only as museum pieces, but rather products to live with every day. Buying a nice piece of design is like buying a painting or a sculpture.” Giulio Cappellini, Art Director, Cappellini Furniture The contemporary fascination with design, whether born from mass media, or the proliferation of global […]

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Making the Best of a Small Space With Your Modern Bedroom Furniture

Making the Best of a Small Space With Your Modern Bedroom Furniture

Small spaces are a decorating and design challenge that’s being met by savvy design professionals with innovative solutions. Making the best of a small space with your modern bedroom furniture may sound like a tall order, but when you approach it intelligently, it’s doable. There are so many luxury brands addressing small spaces with adaptable […]

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How a console table sets the tone

How a console table sets the tone

Console tables play a small but important role in setting the tone for your home. They are a nice addition to any entry way or living room space. Consoles set the style for the furnishings that follow. Whether traditional or contemporary, Italian furniture brands are sure to deliver! Below are our personal picks for high end […]

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